Oil Yoga is discovered on the basis of Yoga, Ayurveda, Malla Yudha and Kalaripyattu. Till date, most of the babies in India are given oil massage and body movements before the bath. This method is called ‘Abhyanga’ which has been practiced from the ages to allow good blood circulation, to remove toxins, to gain healthy organs and nervous system. There are different oils used for Abhyanga to keep the body, nervous system and mind healthy.

Kalaripayattu and Malla Yudha: are the art of self-discipline and Self-Discovery. These arts were practiced by Sages and Monks. The early source of Oil yoga comes from Malla Yudha and Kalaripayattu. Practitioners of Malla Yudha apply oil and do Suryanamaskara, asanas and traditional exercises to keep the body healthy and strong.

Kalaripayattu: One of the oldest form of martial art. The earliest reference to this art in the Rigveda and Atharvaveda where it has been mentioned that leader of Gods Indra defeated demon Vritasura using one of the techniques of Kalaripayattu. This art has been restored by Sages Agastya and Parashurama in Kerala South India. The elements of Patanjali Yoga Sutra and Hatha Yoga has been adopted by Kalaripayattu. Practitioners will apply Oil and do certain kind of exercises and Asanas to bring stability, control over the body and mind.

Kalaripayattu: One of the oldest form of martial art. The earliest reference to this art in the Rigveda and Atharvaveda where it has been mentioned that leader of Gods Indra defeated demon Vritasura using one of the techniques of Kalaripayattu. This art has been restored by Sages Agastya and Parashurama in Kerala South India. The elements of Patanjali Yoga Sutra and Hatha Yoga has been adopted by Kalaripayattu. Practitioners will apply Oil and do certain kind of exercises and Asanas to bring stability, control over the body and mind.

Malla-Yudha: Malla-Yudha means “wrestling combat” in the Sanskrit language. It has a history of more than 5000 years making it one of the oldest form of hand to hand combat in South Asia. The foremost evidence of Malla-Yudha is found in the Ramayana epic. Hanuman is one of the deity and Guru for practitioners of Malla-Yudha. Krishna, Siddhartha Gautam (Budhha), Balarama where great practitioners of this art in ancient days.

Malla-Yudha: Malla-Yudha means “wrestling combat” in the Sanskrit language. It has a history of more than 5000 years making it one of the oldest form of hand to hand combat in South Asia. The foremost evidence of Malla-Yudha is found in the Ramayana epic. Hanuman is one of the deity and Guru for practitioners of Malla-Yudha. Krishna, Siddhartha Gautam (Budhha), Balarama where great practitioners of this art in ancient days.

Traditionally wrestlers are respected extensions of lord Hanuman. They are required to abstain from smoking, drinking and sensory organ pleasures so that body remains pure and stable for the practice.

Malla Purana the text denotes practitioner should perform Pranayama before commencing their day today activity. They follow Suryanamskara and certain asana according to Hatha Yoga Tradition.